The Importance of NAD+

What is NAD+?

NAD+ stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. From single-cell organisms like bacteria to sophisticated multicellular ones like primates, NAD+ is one of the most abundant and crucial molecules. 

Why is NAD+ important?

NAD+ helps convert food to energy, plays a crucial role in maintaining DNA integrity, and ensures proper cell function to protect our bodies from aging and disease.

Decades of scientific research have pinpointed NAD+, as the key anti-aging and optimal wellness molecule. NAD+ is found in every cell of the body and is responsible for the optimal functioning of the brain, internal organs, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, metabolic function, and anti-aging. 

How does NAD+ work in the body?

NAD+ works as a shuttle bus, transferring electrons from one molecule to another within cells to carry out all sorts of reactions and processes. With its molecular counterpart, NADH, this vital molecule participates in various metabolic reactions that generate our cell’s energy. Without sufficient NAD+ levels, our cells wouldn’t be able to generate any energy to survive and carry out their functions. Other functions of NAD+ include regulating our circadian rhythm, which controls our body’s sleep/wake cycle.

Our bodies naturally produce NAD+ but as we age our production decreases significantly – scientists have linked this decrease to disease and aging.

NAD+ levels drop with aging

As we age, NAD+ levels fall, suggesting important implications in metabolic function and age-related diseases. DNA damage accumulates and snowballs with aging.

The damage to our genetic blueprint activates several proteins, including enzymes called PARPs. By consuming NAD+, PARPs can perform DNA repair functions. The depletion of NAD+ through PARP activation during aging appears to contribute to various diseases. Out of all these functions that require NAD+, many scientists believe that PARPs contribute the most.

Enzymes in our immune system consume NAD+, too. The more active the immune system is the more NAD+ the enzyme consumes. The level of enzymes in our immune system increases as we age, depleting the NAD+ levels in the body.

Additional complications with dropping NAD+ levels

Numerous studies demonstrate that reduced NAD+ levels can lead to problems with metabolism. These problems can lead to disorders, including obesity and insulin resistance. Obesity causes diabetes and high blood pressure. Metabolic disorders caused by the low NAD+ level cascade down. High blood pressure and other heart function decline can send damaging pressure waves to the brain that may lead to cognitive impairment.

Preventing NAD+ decline

Preventing the decline of NAD+ offers a promising strategy to combat certain disorders with age. 

Increasing activity levels, dietary changes such as increasing raw foods that contain Vitamin B and intermittent fasting have been shown to help slow the decline of NAD.

At Solutions IV Vitamin Bar we offer NAD+ Therapy as an IV infusion or an injection. In addition to helping restore NAD+ levels and slow down the effects of low NAD+ levels, there are many other amazing benefits of NAD+ Therapy, click here to learn more. 

Schedule a consultation today to see if NAD+ Therapy could benefit you!



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